Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Words of George

"If we lazygag with our classwork our recess is shorter."

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Table prep for Mama's ashes

My sisters both decorated this table so we could all place our mama's ashes in a Coke bottle (per her request). They did an amazing job...more pics to come. Thank you for all of your work, my two beautiful sisters. I love you with all my HEART.

Mourning Dove

 Pike's givin my babies a boost so they can try to spy a mama and her babies....

do you see her? she sitting on those babies of hers to keep em nice and warm. what a good mama.

Scooter Time in OH

 The kids got to spend the day with my Dad and his wife, Nancy, and their day ended with their first Scooter ride...they had the time of their lives! Neither one wanted it to end. THANKS, D&N!!!

Mama style


George's favorite activity....

George's favorite guy to share his fave activity...UNCLE PIKE!


 Matilda's favorite thing to do...
And Matilda's fave person to do her fave activity with....POP!

My big handsome man

They wanted a sleepover

G horsin around after 5K

5K day

Bun-Bun tongue

G's 1st time riding a 2 wheeler

neighbor (Ted) teaches G
G takes off on his own

G gets his own bike ridin posse


I know it's cool to post your I thought I'd do it too. My brek: so proud am I.

Billy Cyrus's long lost boy

Doin what he loves best

Flag Football

Easter Festivities

 Egg decorating
 Egg Hunting
Crying peep eating....cause they were hungry after all that decorating and hunting.

Easter Times